A Guide to Writng Recommendation Letter From Coach

An effective letter of recommendation from coach can make it easier for students to achieve their dreams.

A properly written letter will highlight athletic abilities, work ethic, and leadership skills to help them get into their desired college or scholarship program.

This article explains what a letter of recommendation should contain and provides tips and a template to guide you.

Why Do Student Athletes Need A Letter Of Recommendation From Coach?

College admission applications require letters of recommendation. When you are a coach, a student-athlete may request you to write a letter of recommendation for him.

A good letter of recommendation can tip the scales in favor of applicants and kickstart their journey.

What Makes A Good Letter Of Recommendation?

It needs to articulate the student’s current and future abilities by elaborating on their potential.

Coaches can also discuss the student’s overall character and how they apply their skills outside the classroom.

This letter should aim to provide insights and explain how the applicant may be compatible with a collegiate sports program or scholarship.

Steps for writing a recommendation letter for an athlete

Here’s how to write an effective letter of recommendation:

Introduction & Purpose

Try introducing yourself in the first paragraph and briefly state the letter’s purpose. You can mention your exact job position and the years of experience you have in the field.

Make sure to mention the school where you coached them. You may also describe your relationship with the athlete by explaining where you work and how long you have been their coach.

Also specify that you recommend the applicant to recieve the scholarship or college acceptance.

Talk about their athletic achievements.

Using relevant statistics is a good idea to demonstrate how well the athlete performs. Also include personal examples to illustrate your athlete’s performance.

For instance, you can emphasize their leadership or teamwork skills by mentioning that they were a captain and helped their new teammates train. Adding vivid details to these points can help the recruiters see their significance.

Also, describe their work ethic, dedication, and other desirable traits that would appeal to the admission directors or scholarship committees.

Talk about education and extracurriculars.

Now, talk about the student’s education and their part in extracurricular activities. This will show that they are well-rounded and dedicated to their education.

It would be best if you also highlighted their academic accomplishments.

Athletic recruiting agencies prefer this balance since most collegiate sports programs require athletes to maintain a certain GPA. It also demonstrates a candidate’s ability to multitask.

Lastly, say a few things about their motivations and ambitions.

However, keep it natural, and don’t go overboard, as you want the letter to sound credible.


Repeat your letter’s main purpose here and emphasize that the applicant is a great fit for their program.

Additionally, you can encourage the recipient to contact you if they have any questions.

Write a simple closing like “Sincerely” or “Best Regards.”

Under the closing, type your name, job title, organization, phone number, and email address.

Template for a letter of recommendation for a student-athlete

To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Eric Smith since 2005 as the head coach of Oaks High School football teams. From my experience, Eric is a dedicated athlete who leads by example and can become an asset to any future team.

As a freshman, Eric became a running back for the junior varsity football team. His dedication to the team was evident as he spent countless hours working out and participating in practices.

He completed 6.7 yards per carry in each game and scored at least one touchdown. He stood out as a leader on and off the gridiron during the four years I trained him.

Eric has continued to be a leader for the team for the past four years. He has also been a very good student and has received academic awards in Maths and English.

Eric’s dream is to play football at college. I know that he will be an outstanding addition to any college team.

If you have any additional questions, please contact me at (027) 111-1111.

Head Coach of Oaks High School Football

Final Words

A letter of recommendation from coach should be detailed, personalized, and insightful. Taking the time to craft a letter of recommendation will serve the candidate well.

Keep your letter in on time (or early) and follow any specific submission guidelines carefully. Best of luck.

A Guide to Writng Recommendation Letter From Coach

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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