Find cheap bus tickets for your next trip

We’ve partnered with the world’s most popular bus companies

Top traveled bus routes

Popular countries across the world

With Busbud, you can travel by bus and train in more than 80 countries in the world! Enjoy your trip with a seamless and hassle-free experience while respecting the environment by using sustainable modes of transportations.

Other countries:

Top traveled routes in the world

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Book your bus tickets online

Every day, thousands of travelers like you take buses to travel between cities. With Busbud, you can easily compare buses and find cheap bus tickets for your next bus trip. Whether you want to travel by bus to New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, DC, or anywhere else in the world, you can check the bus schedules, ticket prices and the services on the bus. With Busbud, you can easily book your cheap bus tickets online from the best bus companies. With Busbud, you can easily check the bus schedules, ticket prices, cheap bus trips and what services are offered on the bus (WiFi, extra legroom, generous luggage allowance). ‏‏‎

Tips to find cheap bus tickets

1. Book early

You can find the best bus ticket prices by booking in advance; the earlier you book your bus trip, the cheaper your tickets will be!

‏2. Travel during off-peak hours

Summer and holiday periods are when bus tickets tend to be highest. These are still ideal times to travel and prices will reflect that. Traveling by bus gives you great flexibility. There are often multiple daily departures, so if you can be flexible with your travel dates or schedule, choosing an overnight bus or traveling mid-week instead of the weekend will help you save on transportation costs. If you can only travel on weekends, bear in mind that Sunday afternoon departures are usually the most expensive. If you can leave on Sunday or Monday morning, you might be able to save a few bucks on your bus tickets.‏‎

3. Look for the best deals

You’ve probably heard about $1 bus tickets – and they’re no myth. Megabus and Greyhound Bus are known for their affordable services and offer bus tickets for as little as $1 at random on some of their schedules, generally within the first handful of seats sold. To secure these seats, make sure you book early. The earlier you book your ticket, the greater your odds are of grabbing a seat for a buck. ‏‏‎

4. Do your research

Much like airplane and train ticket prices, bus ticket prices vary from one bus company to the next. Be sure to do your research and compare companies and prices. Busbud can help you do that as we’ve collected all the info you need and put it in one place, so comparing prices, schedules, and providers is a breeze. You can sort the results by price, departure time, and ticket types and compare what each bus company has to offer in a single search.

‏5. Choose your provider wisely

Some bus companies provide luxury services, while others like FlixBus offer a more budget-friendly service to take you from point A to point B at little cost. There are many bus companies that offer a wide range of services and prices. Depending on your travel style and budget, make sure that you choose the bus company that fits your needs.

‏‏‏‎Compare bus, train and carpool trips

On Busbud, you can easily c ompare bus, train, and carpool options to find the trip that best suits your travel needs. Check prices, travel times, and environmental impact all in one place. These are some of the most popular trips on Busbud:

What are the most popular bus routes?

Most popular airports and destinations

Where would you like to take the bus next?

Top train routes

Top train destinations